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"Beyond our unique and proprietary collections, we are constantly on the lookout for new talents and external ideas. That is why we have a collaboration tab where we invite anyone with an idea, a desire, or a project to join our community so that we can propose new collections with diverse artistic tastes.

Our goal is not only to offer artists the opportunity to create their own clothing by working with experienced individuals who can guide them, but also to create a community around these new streetwear styles that are being developed.

This community shares a common point, Gauto and Bro, a certain style, a certain way of thinking that is unique but with different external influences. We want to create a space where people can come together, exchange ideas, and inspire each other. By collaborating with various artists, we hope to create a diverse range of streetwear that appeals to a wide range of tastes."


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Artist - Strasbourg

My artistic approach involves the skillful manipulation of blurred and distorted materials, allowing me to transform reality and unveil its beauty from a fresh perspective. Through the use of ethereal, disembodied silhouettes, I strive to transport the viewer to a world of misty intrigue and alluring smoke.


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Artistic Director & Illustrator - Strasbourg

Hélène collaborated on the King & Queen Collection, november 2022.
Check out her colourful illustrations, inspired by nature, on her Instagram.
Posts_Plan de travail 1 copie 23-min.jpg


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DJ - Strasbourg

Pandroux has been working on the soundtracks you've heard in our promotionnal video for Collection 2.
You should check out his work on his soundcloud


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Painter aka Mr Loco - Strasbourg

Arnaud has collaborated on the design of Model 2 for our first Collection.
Check out his surrealistic and colourful paintings on his instagram.
"At Gauto and Bro, we believe that collaboration is key to success. By working together and sharing our creativity, we can create something truly unique and innovative. We are excited to welcome new members to our community and look forward to seeing the incredible designs that will come from our collaborations."


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